By Maid Corbic

                                Photo Credit: Niterny Art


When the bud comes to life in early spring
it really looks like some big bullet to me
drenched in all dimensions and backs
not even Fibonacci can understand those petals
when I count them, I look at an even number

when it's cold outside I first see a bud
as it continues to develop
so it feels like it's a shaped bullet
and the stalk is its stalk that looks
like some Winchester rifle butt

when everything around me begins to come to life
I see the symbol of the bullet and the crucifix
because people give flowers to sickles in vain
just to get some ethereal scents
which continue to cause me severe trouble in my soul

because I know that the bud faces like a bullet big
that grain when awakens from metamorphosis
I look forward to each day more than ever
yes, that big bullet will come to life in vain

I know that my existence may be small
but the flowers are the most beautiful in the world
beautiful colors, shapes and dimensions
where every moment of life gives me a new start

with music they say that flowers will bloom again
so there is nothing unusual in all this
except that the positions for me are to be happy
because each flower is shaped separately
to give joy and happiness in awakening

I never asked for much of life
except that everyone respects that bullet that is as light as a feather
but gentle enough to destroy everything around him in anger
believe everything you hear and see
because the masterpiece is a great miracle
let the bullet stop all obstacles!

Maid Corbic from Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has 22 years and his spare time he writes poetry that repeatedly praised as well as rewarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and he is moderator of the World Literature Forum WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for humanity and peace in the world in Bhutan. 


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